Adios after nearly four decades and more !
Oh! we will miss you all and our Jaipur of yore !
As we leave this beloved city of our karma once,
And return to the city of our dreams which summons
Eager to renew ties with Ahmedabad anew,
Hoping to enjoy our glorious sunset years few
Packers will pack our belongings and other paraphernalia,
They see them as cartons, we see them as memorabilia!
Four decades of memories packed just on a lorry!
We will also leave this town, our hearts saying "sorry"
But we shall meet dear friends, sooner or later,
Hope life has in store, something for better!
Written on 14th Oct 2013 for Surendrabhai and Pramilabhabhi on their intended departure for Ahmedabad from Jaipur
Oh! we will miss you all and our Jaipur of yore !
And return to the city of our dreams which summons
Hoping to enjoy our glorious sunset years few
They see them as cartons, we see them as memorabilia!
We will also leave this town, our hearts saying "sorry"
Hope life has in store, something for better!