Friends of friends, Kings of Heart,
Jimmy and Ava have had an early start
In making new friends
And maintaining the friends
Each one a precious gem to them
Each one a masterpiece to them
Little realizing it was their magic wand
In making stones to jewels they had a hand
Cutting and polishing till each shone bright
Best qualities of friendship are drawn all right
Friends can only be truly thankful
To Jimmy n Ava n Family full
For a place for gems in their hearts show case
Where they are kept with a tag ‘not for sale’
Written for friends Jimmy and Ava, association with whom matured over years transforming colleagues to true friends with refinement....
Jimmy and Ava have had an early start
And maintaining the friends
Each one a masterpiece to them
In making stones to jewels they had a hand
Best qualities of friendship are drawn all right
To Jimmy n Ava n Family full
Where they are kept with a tag ‘not for sale’